About the Journal

About the Journal

Intelligent Technologies in Education (ITEd) is dedicated to advancing research in the intersection between intelligent systems/technologies and education, including artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality, and other innovative tools shaping the future of learning. As technology continues to revolutionise various sectors, this journal serves as a vital platform for researchers, educators, and policymakers to share cutting-edge research, innovative practices, and insightful analyses. The Journal aims to enhance the understanding and application of these technologies in educational settings, fostering a comprehensive dialogue that bridges theory and practice. By promoting interdisciplinary collaboration and highlighting real-world implications, ITEd drives meaningful advancements in educational technology and teaching methods. The Journal’s mission is to publish high-quality research that significantly contributes to the knowledge base and learning and teaching strategies leveraging intelligent technologies to improve learning outcomes. ITEd considers empirical studies, theoretical and conceptual studies, systematic reviews, evidence-based case evaluations, and theory-driven policy review.

Papers ITEd Considers

ITEd is interested in manuscripts that are:

  1. Empirical studies presenting original theory-driven research focused on the application and effects of any intelligent technology on learning and teaching. Empirical studies must use a defensible methodology to demonstrate novel insights of significant value to education broadly.
  2. Conceptual papers that developing new conceptual frameworks or substantially extend or critique existing theoretical approaches to engage with contemporary theoretical debates and explore the broader implications of any intelligent technologies on educational philosophy and teaching methods.
  3. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses providing comprehensive syntheses of existing literature on specific aspects of intelligent technologies in education. These reviews must adopt rigorous and theory-driven search strategies leveraging a PRISMA approach or similar to identify trends, gaps, and future directions in the field.
  4. Case studies that offer in-depth evaluations of specific deployments of intelligent technologies in educational settings. These manuscripts should provide detailed descriptions of the development, deployment, and outcomes of such technologies in classrooms, schools, or educational programs, and use a clear methodology for the evaluation of the effects of the case study beyond description or instructor reflection.
  5. Policy reviews that critically evaluate the intelligent technologies educational regulations and policy at local, national, and international levels. Policy analyses should provide an explicit balance of perspective to guide evidence-based policymakers decisions.

Publishing Cycle and Peer Review Process

Intelligent Technologies in Education (ITEd) adopts a quarterly publishing cycle, resulting in four issues each year with each issue targeting a maximum of five peer-reviewed papers and one editorial. The peer review process involves:

  • Initial screening: Quick assessment by the Editors-in-Chief for fit and adherence to submission guidelines. EiCs manage desk rejects and assignment of manuscripts to Associate Editors. This process will take no more than one week.
  • Review rounds: Detailed evaluations by at least two experts in the field, conducted through a double-blind peer review process to ensure impartiality and fairness. This means that both the reviewers and the authors remain anonymous to each other. The entire review process will not exceed one month.
  • Decision-making: Decisions are made based on the reviews, focusing on originality, methodological rigour, clarity of communication, and relevance. The final decision is made by the Editors-in-Chief, with input from the Associate Editors, considering the reviewers' recommendations and the overall contribution of the manuscript to the field.
  • Conflict of Interest: All editors and reviewers must disclose any potential conflicts of interest to ensure an unbiased review process.
  • Ethical Guidelines: The journal adheres to the highest ethical standards, and all submissions must comply with ethical guidelines, including those related to plagiarism, data fabrication, and confidentiality.
  • Reviewer Selection Criteria: Reviewers are selected based on their expertise, experience, and track record in the relevant field.
  • Author Instructions: Detailed submission guidelines and instructions for authors can be found on the journal's website.

Feedback to Authors

Authors can anticipate comprehensive feedback from the Editors-in-Chief, the Associate Editor handling their manuscript, and the reviewers. The decision on the manuscript will fall into one of the following categories:

  • Accept: The manuscript is accepted in its current version.
  • Minor Revisions: Authors are required to submit modifications within 4 weeks.
  • Major Revisions: Authors are required to submit modifications within six months.
  • Reject: The manuscript is not suitable for publication in its current form.

Based on these reviews, the editor will get in contact with the author(s) to provide proper feedback. If accepted, the corresponding author will be the final responsible for the overall quality of the paper. The journal will request the proper changes to the author(s) until a publishable version is ready. The journal reserves the right not to publish an accepted article if the author(s) fail to format it adequately for publication.