Is GenAI the Future of Feedback? Understanding Student and Staff Perspectives on AI in Assessment
Assessment, GenAI, Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI), Education, AI in education, FeedbackAbstract
The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) in higher education necessitates assessment reform. This study addresses a critical gap by exploring student and academic staff experiences with AI and GenAI tools, focusing on their familiarity and comfort with current and potential future applications in learning and assessment. An online survey collected data from 35 academic staff and 282 students across two universities in Vietnam and one in Singapore, examining GenAI familiarity, perceptions of its use in assessment marking and feedback, knowledge checking and participation, and experiences of GenAI text detection. Descriptive statistics and reflexive thematic analysis revealed a generally low familiarity with GenAI among both groups. GenAI feedback was viewed negatively; however, it was viewed more positively when combined with instructor feedback. Academic staff were more accepting of GenAI text detection tools and grade adjustments based on detection results compared to students. Qualitative analysis identified three themes: unclear understanding of text detection tools, variability in experiences with GenAI detectors, and mixed feelings about GenAI’s future impact on educational assessment. These findings have major implications regarding the development of policies and practices for GenAI-enabled assessment and feedback in higher education.
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