Developing and Facilitating a Workplace Communication Workshop for Engineering Student Interns: Implications for Practice




Workplace Communication Skills, Professional Communication Education, Activity Theory, Integrated Work Study Program , Reflective Practice


In this paper, Engeström’s third-generation activity theory (AT; 2001) is adopted as an analytic tool to analyze a workplace communication workshop for engineering students and an experienced educator’s cognition and practices. Curricular elements of the workshop and the educator’s pedagogical approach are analyzed together with the motivation for a specific learning experience design and the rationale for adopting such practices. AT served as an invaluable analytic lens for our reflection on the workshop’s design, its activities, and the educator’s cognition and practices. This reflection provides a worked sample for AT-based reflective practice and strategies for developing workplace communication workshops. It is concluded that by using AT as an analytic tool for reflection, educators can effectively reflect upon and analyze their course design and teaching practices, thereby externalizing their knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Educators can develop their expertise through such a reflective process and create more engaging and effective courses. We also recommend that AT be adopted as an analytic tool in reflective practice modules in communication teacher education and training programs to enable prospective and novice teachers to engage in reflective practice and purposefully develop their teaching expertise throughout their careers.


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Author Biographies

  • Muhammad Rahimi, Singapore Institute of Technology

    Muhammad Rahimi, PhD, is Assistant Professor in the Centre for Professional Communication at the Singapore Institute of Technology. He earned his PhD in Education (Applied Linguistics & TESOL) from The University of Auckland, New Zealand. He has over two decades of experience teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students in Iran, New Zealand, China, and Singapore. His publications have appeared in leading international journals, including Discourse Processes (SSCI-indexed, Q1), Language Teaching Research (SSCI-indexed, Q1), Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal (SSCI-indexed, Q1), Reading and Writing Quarterly (SSCI-indexed, Q1), System: An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics (SSCI-indexed, Q1), and The Language Learning Journal (Scopus-indexed, Q1). He serves as an editorial board member, reviewer, and article editor for leading international journals. His research and teaching expertise include English language and communication education, generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) in education, critical and creative thinking education, and student engagement.

  • Brad Blackstone, Singapore Institute of Technology

    Brad Blackstone is a Senior Lecturer in the Centre for Professional Communication at the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT). He teaches critical thinking and communicating modules as well as workplace communication workshops for undergraduate students. Brad has over 40 years of experience teaching English language and both academic and professional communication in higher education. He has led course and curriculum development and taught at National University of Singapore, Akita International University (Japan), Indiana University/MUCIA-Mara Technical Institute (Malaysia), and The Ohio State University. He has also done corporate training after setting up a communication program at General Motors de Portugal. His research has been presented and published in areas as diverse as curriculum and materials development, content and language-integrated learning and pedagogical blogging. He has also led and participated in numerous grant-led projects in Singapore and throughout Asia; several of these included developing and leading teacher training programs for educators in Japan, Thailand, Laos and Indonesia.









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