We are excited to announce the 2nd International Conference of Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education, set to take place in May 2025. This interdisciplinary conference will bring together academics, researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to explore the evolving role of AI in shaping higher education. The event will focus on fostering dialogue, presenting cutting-edge research, and sharing innovative practices to address the challenges and opportunities of AI integration in education. We invite submissions for papers, presentations, and panels that explore the intersections of AI, education, and society. Submissions should align with one or more of the proposed conference themes
Join us for a rich series of keynotes, panels, presentations, and workshops on artificial intelligence in higher education following the successful 2024 AIinHE Conference (see 2024 Conference here).
The conference is held virtually on Tuesday 27 May and Wednesday 28 May 2025, with scaffolded starting time for Australasian and European/UK time zones.
Parallel Stream 1 (AU/NZ friendly): 12pm to 10pm AEST | 3am to 1pm BST
Parallel Stream 2 (EU/UK Friendly): 4pm to 2am | 7am to 5pm BST.
Attendees will be able to move between streams, with presenters allocated based on their preferred Stream.
Keynote and conference-wide events will occur during 4-7pm AEST and 7-10am BST.
Theme: Beyond GenAI Scales - Learning and Teaching with Students and GenAI
The Conference has multiple streams of submissions:
- Full papers. Full scholarly papers submitted to the conference will be peer reviewed ahead of the conference, with the potential for inclusion in one of the partner journal special issues with JUTLP and ITED.
- Practice papers. Practical applications, case studies showcasing GenAI and AI’s impact on learning, teaching, curriculum, and pedagogy. These will be peer reviewed by the conference team with the view to supporting development of practice, but can still be considered for a Special Issue publication in AJHE.
- Doctoral colloquium papers. Papers submitted by Research by Higher Degree students can be submitted to a more supportive and developmental round with opportunities for collaborative peer review and discussion on student papers.
The conference also includes keynotes, workshops, and panel events designed by and selected by the convening team. Connect directly with one of the convenors if wishing to express interest in these.
Dr Cassandra Colvin is a Lecturer in Educational Experience at Edith Cowan University, and an experienced Manager in the tertiary sector, having had oversight of strategy and teams across a broad array of the student experience, including careers and employability, student support, orientation and transition, learning analytics, and evaluation. Across all roles she has secured a national profile for her work, and her achievements recognised in the receipt of a number of awards from professional and government bodies, including the Australian Office of Learning and Teaching. Cassandra has presented and published widely on themes relating to learning analytics, international student support, student development, and equity. Her PhD (Murdoch University) focused on intercultural interactions on university campuses. Cassandra’s professional interests include learning analytics implementations and practice in higher education, intercultural relations between students, design and management of student support programs, staff management, and embedding quality and continuous improvement tenets into all aspects of her work.
Dr Marios Kremantzis is a Lecturer in Business Analytics and Programme Director of the MSc in Business Analytics at the University of Bristol. Marios holds a Ph.D. in Management Science from the University of Southampton. Marios’ research interests lie in the fields of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and multi-criteria decision analysis. He has substantial experience in building and applying mathematical models to understand what the data is saying and then creating real-world solutions. He is also competent to evaluate the performance of production and operations systems with network structures under the DEA technique. Thanks to various cross-disciplinary research collaborations, his work has been published in world-leading journals such as Expert Systems with Applications, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, RAIRO-Operations Research, Supply Chain Analytics, and Agriculture. He has also organized special sessions for the conferences of the OR Society, DEA45, and the Athens Institute for Education and Research. During his doctoral studies, he received funding from the EPSRC and the BAE Systems, and he has taken part in internationally renowned conferences in the UK, Greece and South Korea.
Furthermore, Marios is the Founder and Chair of the OR, Analytics & Education SIG within the OR Society and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He is an Associate in the theme of designing active learning sessions at the Bristol Institute for Learning & Teaching. He has distinguished himself for innovative teaching and assessment practices, which led to his win in 2023’s Bristol Teaching Awards: “Inspiring and Innovative Teaching Award”. Marios acts as the Guest Editor of two SIs on the enhancement of student engagement using Artificial Intelligence in the “Studies in Higher Education” and the “Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice”.
The Conference is sponsored by the Open Access Publishing Association (OAPA), and has partnered with Journals and Sponsors to ensure the Conference runs effectively.
The Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice (JUTLP) is a peer-reviewed journal publishing papers that add significantly to the body of knowledge describing effective and innovative teaching and learning practice in the higher education environment. The Journal aims to provide a forum for educational practitioners in a wide range of disciplines to communicate their teaching and learning outcomes in a scholarly way. Its purpose is to bridge the gap between journals covering purely academic research and more pragmatic articles and opinions published elsewhere. JUTLP has a Scopus CiteScore of 5.4.
The Journal will sponsor a Special Issue from the best selected Full Paper presentations across the conference. scheduled for publication in January 2026, with online-first publication from point of acceptance.
Intelligent Technologies in Education (ITEd) is dedicated to advancing research in the intersection between intelligent systems/technologies and education, including artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality, and other innovative tools shaping the future of learning. As technology continues to revolutionise various sectors, this journal serves as a useful platform for researchers, educators, and policymakers to share cutting-edge research, innovative practices, and insightful analyses. The Journal aims to enhance the understanding and application of these technologies in educational settings, fostering a comprehensive dialogue that bridges theory and practice. By promoting interdisciplinary collaboration and highlighting real-world implications, ITEd drives meaningful advancements in educational technology and teaching methods. The Journal’s mission is to publish high-quality research that significantly contributes to the knowledge base and learning and teaching strategies leveraging intelligent technologies to improve learning outcomes. ITEd considers empirical studies, theoretical and conceptual studies, systematic reviews, evidence-based case evaluations, and theory-driven policy review.
ITED will sponsor a Special Issue for quality Full Papers not accepted into the JUTLP Special Issue.
The Australasian Journal of Higher Education aims to lead aggregation of peer reviewed local learning and teaching practice conferences within Australasia. Universities and tertiary institutions regularly seek to enable the showcasing and presentation of their connection to the Scholarship of Learning and Teaching (SoTL/SoLT), and AJHE provides a space to synthesise quality learning and teaching practice at local levels for broader engagement across the sector. This Journal does not accept submissions of individual articles, and instead organises around Special Issues associated to conferences, elevating proceedings into peer reviewed domains.
The AJHE will consider papers from the AU/NZ stream, alongside considering working with a select number of practice papers for publication in a Special Issue.
The AIinHE25 Convening Team are still seeking sponsorships for a number of places in the conference. To find out more, please connect with Dr Colvin or Dr Kremantzis to discuss how partnering with AIinHE25 might work.
Submission and Timelines
To submit an abstract for any of the streams, the following information will be helpful:
Research and Practice Tracks to Submit to:
The final tracks are yet to be confirmed, but current draft tracks include the following. To submit a full paper or practice paper, there are a number of tracks under which these will be assessed:
GenAI for learning and teaching. A general track for broad studies, practices, and cases of GenAI in the learning and teaching environment.
Track leads: Dr Cassandra Colvin (Edith Cowan University, Australia) and Dr Marios Kremantzis (University of Bristol, United Kingdom).
GenAI, ethics, and staff. Submissions to this track are assessed against the extent to which they explore the intersection between generative AI and staff ethics. Track lead: TBC
GenAI policy and governance. Submissions to this track are assessed against the extent to which they evaluate jurisdictional and cross-institutional policies and governance of GenAI. Track lead: TBC
Belonging, being well, and socially connected with GenAI. Submissions to this track are assessed against the extent to which they critique the relationship and effect that GenAI has on student and academic sociopsychological outcomes. Track lead: TBC
Computer science education and GenAI. Submissions to this track are assessed against the extent to which they evaluate how GenAI is being deployed in computer science learning and teaching. Track lead: TBC
Making a Submission
- Abstracts. To submit a 250 word abstract, follow the style guidelines for Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice (JUTLP), and make submissions to through the portal below.
- Full paper. To submit a full 5,000-8,000 word paper, follow the style guidelines for JUTLP, and make a full submission to the submission portal below. In your cover letter, you can note whether you wish to be considered for JUTLP, ITED, both, or neither. Please do not submit these to JUTLP directly.
- Practice papers. To submit a practice paper, follow the style guidelines for JUTLP, and make a submission to the submission portal below. In your cover letter, you can note whether you wish to be considered for AJHE or not. Please do not submit these to JUTLP or AJHE directly.
- Doctoral colloquium papers. To submit to the doctoral colloquium, follow the style guidelines for JUTLP, and make a full submission to the submission portal below. Please do not submit these to JUTLP or AJHE directly.
Abstracts not published in a Special Issue will still be published online with their own indexable and unique DOI.
- All abstract submissions are due 28 February
- Peer review and convenor decision letters will occur during March
- Final submissions 22 April
- Conference abstracts published online 30 April
Submission Portal
Please submit proposals to ITED’s submission portal. Before submission, please prepare an identified and deidentified version of your proposal. When submitting, please select the Section “AIinHE25”, and select either Full Papers, Practice Papers, or Doctoral Colloquium.
For further questions or assistance, contact Dr Cassandra Colvin ( or Dr Marios Kremantzis (
Registration and Ticketing
We look forward to seeing you in June!