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Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements:

  • File Format. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF.
  • Use of DOIs. Where available, DOIs for the references have been provided (if no DOI is available, include the URL).
  • Correctly formatted manuscripts according to the Guideline - Manuscript Preparation (Authors). Please use the JUTLP Template to create two versions of your manuscript:
    • An Identifiable manuscript including author details.
    • A Deidentified manuscript that has all author names, affliations, and any other identifiable information removed from the manuscript. This is the version we will send to reviewers for double-blind review so please take care to remove all identifying details throughout the article.
  • Cover Letter. The submission includes an Initial Cover Letter (first submission) or a Revision Cover Letter (submission after revision).

All submissions must:

  • Previous Publication. Not have been been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • Acknowledgements. Include a single paragraph before the references that includes statements about:

JUTLP is a academic-led and volunteer-run journal. We do not charge fees to authors or readers and your compliance in correctly following our guidelines and using our template helps support our volunteer editors with the steamlined and conistent publication of your paper. Thank you.

Special Issue: Are the Technology Acceptance Models still fit for purpose?

This Section is held for submissions to the Special Issue on Are the Technology Acceptance Models still fit for purpose? led by Dr Mike O'Dea. 

Special Issue: Purpose-Driven Learning in Universities: Its Role and Social Impact

This section is for submissions to the Special Issue Purpose-Driven Learning in Universities: Its Role and Social Impact led by Professor Pradeep Nair.

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