Instructors' perspectives on teaching music online after the COVID-19 lockdown: A qualitative analysis in Indonesia




online music education, teachers’ perspectives, higher music education, COVID-19, sustainability


The current study analyzes the practices and strategies used by university instructors in Indonesia to deliver online music classes after the COVID-19 lockdown. Using a qualitative method based on semi-structured interviews, perspectives from music professors were gathered to explore various aspects, including the support provided by universities, teaching practices adopted by instructors, students’ reactions, limitations, and advantages of online music learning. The data were analyzed with an inductive method based on grounded theory. Participants highlighted several strategies utilized during online learning, such as (a) the use of video recordings to focus on specific aspects of music performance; (b) the implementation of project-based assessments to address various learning outcomes in different classes; and (c) the development of teamwork for sharing the best teaching practices. Teachers reported being more responsive to the students, placing a greater emphasis on self-reflection and becoming more effective educators. While recognizing several limitations associated with online music learning, the participants believe that this will be the teaching approach of the future, attributing it to improvements in students' independence and self-assessment skills, teachers' self-reflexivity, and enhanced flexibility in scheduling. Implications for institutions and university professors regarding the development of policies and curricula for online music education are also discussed.


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Author Biographies

  • Delicia Mandy Nugroho, Universitas Pelita Harapan

    Delicia Mandy Nugroho is an Assistant Professor of Music and Department Chair of Music at the Conservatory of Music, Universitas Pelita Harapan. Her research interests include higher music education curriculum, music alumni employability, and online music education. She has won multiple songwriting competitions by Habitat for Humanity, the Directorate General of Early Childhood Education Indonesia, and a podcast competition by Bank Indonesia. She is also actively involved in various creative programs with the Ministry of Education and Culture Indonesia. Her calling is to produce lifelong learners through a high-quality and transformational curriculum in Higher Music Education.

  • Professor Michele Biasutti, University of Padova

    Michele Biasutti PhD, a Full Professor at Padova University, has a deep understanding of EC policies, methodologies, and working methods gained through involvement in EC-founded programs, projects, and institutions.  He is past President of Italian Associations and Scientific Director of research projects financed by European Institutions. He is interested in improvisation, on-line music learning, creative collaborative processes. He is a member of the editorial board of international journals and he has published articles in impact factor journals. He was the conference director of the international conferences and author of eight books and about 280 articles, chapters, and conference proceedings papers.




How to Cite

Instructors’ perspectives on teaching music online after the COVID-19 lockdown: A qualitative analysis in Indonesia. (2024). Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 21(3).