Going digital to enhance the learning of undergraduate students


  • Nicholas Patterson Deakin University, Australia
  • Madeleine Schultz Deakin University, Australia
  • Guy Wood-Bradley Deakin University, Australia
  • Elicia Lanham Deakin University, Australia
  • Chie Adachi Deakin University, Australia




e-learning, digital education, information technology, online learning, computing education


The aim of this study was to investigate which of three types of video resources, and which additional resources, were preferred by Information Technology (IT) students for learning and exam preparation. We offered three types of video learning resources to support the delivery of a first year undergraduate IT course. We collated quantitative data on engagement with each video resource through the Learning Management System, drew further insights from an online survey of the students and combined this with data obtained from an institutional student evaluation survey. Whilst there has been much research conducted about the use of video lectures and other online resources, there has been little research conducted specifically with IT students to determine their preferences when selecting learning resources. We report the preferences of IT undergraduate students when provided with a selection of video learning materials, how the resources were used and their perceived learning value. This study not only offers a set of considerations and recommendations for the design of learning materials for IT students, but also for digital learning in higher-education more generally. Short premium videos were watched many more times than full lectures, and 85% of students agreed that short premium videos were more beneficial and effective than longer, lower quality lecture recordings for their learning. The students’ self-assessed video attention span varied greatly, with a mean of 10 minutes. Students perceived that short premium videos helped them to retain knowledge. However, the perceived most useful resource overall was the lecture slides.


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How to Cite

Going digital to enhance the learning of undergraduate students. (2020). Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 17(3). https://doi.org/10.53761/