Dancing with power in ‘We are the university: Students co-creating change’


  • Tai Peseta Western Sydney University, Australia
  • Alex Donoghue Western Sydney University, Australia
  • Sameer Hifazat Western Sydney University, Australia
  • Shivani Suresh Western Sydney University, Australia
  • Ashley Beathe Western Sydney University, Australia
  • Jasmine Derbas Western Sydney University, Australia
  • Brooke Mees Western Sydney University, Australia
  • Samuel Suresh Western Sydney University, Australia
  • Clementine Sugita Western Sydney University, Australia
  • Thilakshi Mallawa Arachchi Western Sydney University, Australia
  • Evelyn Nguyen Western Sydney University, Australia
  • Lexie Johnson Western Sydney University, Australia
  • Sophia Clark Western Sydney University, Australia
  • Rohith Ramegowda Western Sydney University, Australia
  • Jen Alford Western Sydney University, Australia
  • Maria Manthos Western Sydney University, Australia
  • Chinnu Jose Western Sydney University, Australia
  • Emma Caughey Western Sydney University, Australia
  • Vicky-Rae Reed Western Sydney University, Australia
  • Max Ashcroft-Smith Western Sydney University, Australia


Student-staff partnership, partnership pedagogy, power, curriculum, collaboration


Much of the student-staff partnership literature calls for increased collaboration and power sharing among staff and students. Less common are accounts by student partners themselves that take up the challenge of what partnership and power feel like as universities embrace their neoliberal trajectory - and - purport to do so on behalf of students themselves. Especially acute is the conundrum of how partnership initiatives can, and do, reproduce the very power dynamics they set out to transform. We are a group of students and staff working in curriculum partnership together at Western Sydney University. The context of our work together is the 21C project, a university-wide strategy to transform curriculum, teaching, and learning, drawing on ‘partnership pedagogy’. In this paper, we engage in a process of reflexive inquiry to interrogate a new elective unit that many of us are involved in as advocates, co-creators, as students and staff learning together, and as evaluators, called We are the university: Students co-creating change (WATU). To highlight partnership’s intricate power plays, we offer a fictionalised account to reflect our multi-voiced experiences of being involved in WATU. We have come to understand power’s simultaneity in partnership as forms of power over, as permission-giving, as sharing (or partnership), and as the power to act (agency). The account is our story of partnership’s inevitable contradictions - a collaboration that teaches us about the challenges of working together while being cautious of partnership’s transformatory claims.


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How to Cite

Dancing with power in ‘We are the university: Students co-creating change’. (2021). Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 18(7), 258-274. https://open-publishing.org/journals/index.php/jutlp/article/view/531